20 October 2008

What the F%*k?!

So, I call my parent's house to ask my mom some stuff and my dad answers the phone - kind of a rarity. I ask him if mom is there and he says "No, she's up at the hospital with Nora" (my sister). I ask if everything is ok - to which he replies "Yes, everything is fine....she had her baby - it was a boy, blah blah blah blah blah blah....."

So what's the big deal, you ask? Well, the big deal is I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHE WAS PREGNANT!!!! AGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIN! Yup, this is her 2nd kid and the second time she doesn't want me included or even to KNOW about it!!!

And they wonder why I feel like an outcast. W/E

I hate them all. THEY CHOSE ME!!! I was adopted!! Well, I now, am officially divorcing all of them and their sick twisted minded lot of them. I don't need this shit any more and I am tired of trying to unite a family that doesn't want me and I should have wised up a long time ago. Well, guess what ASSHOLES?!?! I got it now!! Give me my shit, pay me my $$ and I am out of your lives for good! Oh, and in case you are wondering.....MY kids want nothing to do with you either. You hurt them, you hurt me, and they don't ever want to see you again.

1 treats:

Tiff said...

Girl that sucks! Sorry to hear your family are such pricks....I am thinking of adopting but if we do our new child would be ours..part of the family....not an outcast..what is the point of adopting if you don't want your child in your life...hope things get better for you on this part of your life!