27 November 2007

Vaccination Essay

A Shot in the Dark:

The lies we believe


Bridget Danielle Quimby

10 September 2006

Everyday parents all over the United States as well as other parts of the world bring their children in to their trusted health care professional for “well baby visits”. Once there, the topic of vaccination comes up. The parent is told that the child is due his shots and that there is no real danger associated with it. The parents have a sheet of paper shoved in their hands while their child undergoes the dreaded process. That paper is the savior giving the “facts” about vaccinations. Of course, we don’t read it because our baby is sitter there screaming his head off! With thousands of children receiving millions of vaccinations each and everyday, have we really researched their history or are we just doing what we are told and going along with the status quo? Are vaccinations really safe for our children? How effective are they really at preventing those dangerous diseases the doctors warn so incessantly about? Is it possible that there may be a hidden agenda and if so, what is it and whose is it? In the last two generations vaccinations were a basic part of a child’s life just like going to the dentist. Unfortunately, the generation prior to that has been led to believe that these vaccines were the latest miracle. Feeding off fears of this cohort’s memory of horrific pandemic stories and personal experiences; the medical community and our government alike were able to successfully gain society’s support.

Vaccinations are about as safe as swallowing rat poison. In 1970-71 Australian children were dying at a rate of 1 out of 2 after receiving vaccinations. According to the study performed by the University Of Nevada School Of Medicine, 103 children whose deaths were ruled as SIDS; 2/3rds of the babies had received the DPT vaccine less than a month before. Most of them died within 24 hours of the shot. The FDA subsidized a medical study conducted by the UCLA in 1979 calculated approximately 1,000 babies die in the United States every year from the DPT shot. Nationally, that statistic seems small, but the study went on to reveal that nearly 12,000 babies were permanently neurologically damaged as a “direct result” of the vaccine. These numbers, as bad as they are, do not portray the real numbers as 90% of doctors do not file reports of the adverse affects of the vaccines administered. Investigations have found doctors along with other medical professionals are “doctoring” the medical records. For example: reports have shown that when the pertussis vaccine was being rejected many doctors would note all coughs as pertussis. This fastidious organism happens to require a culture lab to identify and is very hard to determine. Dr. Robert S. Mendelson, M.D. practiced pediatrics for 25 years and became one of the first well known well known doctors to speak out about vaccines. He coined the phrase of vaccines being “the bread and butter of pediatrics”. He goes on to say, “…all vaccines today remain, scientifically speaking, unproven remedies – a polite term for medical quackery. The only proven characteristic of vaccines is their devastating adverse affects.” He goes on to ask the heart stopping question “Have we traded measles and mumps for leukemia and cancer?” On the cover of his book How to Raise a Healthy Child…In Spite of Your Doctor, reads the statement, “One of America’s leading pediatricians puts parents back in control of their children’s health.” Doctors make more money off well baby visits and vaccine administration than all other types of visits combined. Protecting their practice of any evidence of possible wrongdoing is essential and liability is nonexistent without these reports.

The effectiveness of vaccines simply does not exist! Viera Schiebner, PhD, a retired research scientist examined 35,000 pages of medical papers dealing with vaccinations and found no evidence of safety or effectiveness. Touted vehemently in some cases by professionals in schools, medical clinics and hospitals ‘vaccines are the reason that our society has been successful at eliminating many diseases such as smallpox, polio and diphtheria’. In all honesty, amid 1850-1940 the rate of childhood diseases such as these declined steadily by 90%; before the federally mandated programs of mass vaccinations in 1964. The government conceded each and every case of smallpox in the world was initiated by the vaccine itself and therefore abandoned its use in the 70’s and 80’s. In 1985, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) admitted during the decade of 1973-1983 at least 87% of the polio cases had been vaccinated against. Diphtheria, like smallpox, had a solid decline of 90% before the vaccine for it surfaced. Pertussis was down by 79% and measles dropped 97.7%; both prior to vaccination introduction. Rubella has been proven ineffective. Army recruits were studied by Dr. Beverly Allan of the University Department of Austin Hospital of Melbourne, Australia. Army staff were vaccinated against rubella and sent to training camp. Four months later 80% of the so-called “protected” (vaccinated) group was sick with the disease. A Hepatitis B shot routinely given to new born babies was rejected by 2/3rds of physicians themselves in a study conducted in 1985. Tetanus dropped 99.8% during WWII.

With all these statistics discovered by upstanding doctors, scientists and medical studies, why would our own medical professionals and government work so hard to administer something so lethal and make it appear mandatory? First of all, vaccines are not mandatory. Doctors will tell you it is if you have a school aged child. They will try to tell you that your child must have vaccines in order to attend daycare and public schools. This is simply not true. I myself have three children in school who are not vaccinated. Our government, quid pro quo sustains the vaccination programs and campaigns incessantly. The lucrative enterprise bioengineered pathogens encouraged and often funded by the US government as a means of population control. Entire ethnicities are targets and the preferred method of introduction to the disease is through vaccination. The Gulf War Illness, produced in this manner was given to an elite number of troops and not reported on the “official” vaccination information. These special vaccinations include Anthrax, and other Saddam Hussein – originated dangers. The CIA officiate ran a test to see how many Gulf Troops came down with the disease and how long it would take for them to die off. Apparently, it has not had as much success as it’d hoped for. In the wake 9/11 and the approaching 5th anniversary, many are questioning the involvement of our leadership. Was this actually a portion of a population control epidemic? To answer that fully and concisely would take another essay.


Vaccinations: Deception & Tragedy by Michael Dye

Every Second Child by Dr. Archie Kalokerinos

The Australian Nurses Journal May 1978 issue

How to Raise a Healthy Child…In Spite of Your Doctor by Dr. Robert S Mendelson, MD

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